Friday, June 8, 2007

Lean Thinking

It's that time of year when many of us all start thinking about one thing: getting fit for summer. With vacations to the beach and days by the pool, lots of people are working hard to prepare for bathing suit season. Lean thinking, if you will. They are cleaning all of the junk from their diets, and they are hitting the gym trying to become a leaner, more efficient person. You know where I'm going with this, don't you?

As you probably know by now, lean thinking applies to more than just a healthy lifestyle. It applies to our work and business live styles, too. Just take a look at your desk or work area. How much of what you see before you is really necessary? How much do you use every day? Every week? Month? I admit it, as I was sitting here writing this I looked at everything on my desk. Last week when I wasn't thinking about lean, my desk seemed perfectly straight. Today I feel like it's a cluttered mess!

But making just the smallest of changes can help. I am pledging right now to work on re-organizing my office. If I can make finding a certain file or back issue of USGlass a little simpler it will help me be more efficient. Little by little. Are you with me on this? Tell me about some of your lean strategies and I'll keep you posted on how my re-organization is going.

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